Food Plot Progress

Written By John VanDerLaan 


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All that hard work putting in a food plot is starting to pay off!

As I wrote about in Spring Food Plots for Deer,  I use Imperial Whitetail Clover and Eagle Seed Soybeans for my plots.

The clover in this plot is 2 years old and it is looking great!

While the deer really like the clover, they are absolutely hammering the soybeans! They are an amazing deer attractant.

I fenced in about 500 square feet of the soybeans to see the difference that it would make and it is unbelievable!

As you can see in the two photos below.

Unprotected soybeans in the food plot

Unprotected Soybeans in Food Plot

Here is what the soybeans look like that are fenced in!

Protected Soybeans in Food Plot

Protected Soybeans in Food Plot

Isn't that incredible?

What a difference!

The deer absolutely love the Eagle Seed Soybeans!

Here's a pic of the Imperial Whitetail Clover. It's doing extremely well!

Food Plot Clover

Imperial Whitetail Clover in Food Plot

I'm starting to get some good trail cam pics in the food plot.

I'm getting some pics of does, but strangely, none of the does have fawns with them.

I think we may have a major coyote problem as I also get a lot of trail cam pics of yotes.

I would love to hear suggestions on how to reduce the coyote population as I believe this is having a huge impact on fawn mortality.

I do hunt them, but it seems impossible to reduce their numbers to any extent.

Anyway, here are some trail cam pics of deer using the plot.

Buck bachelor group in food plot

Buck bachelor group in food plot

This is one of the bachelor groups that is currently using the plot. If you look at the buck in the back left, he may be a shooter.

I think he is a buck that we called Niner last year. We made a conscious effort to let him live in order to see how big he could get this year.

He is nice and wide and we still have a solid month of antler growth left, so I'm very excited to see what he'll like like come September.

bachelor group in food plot

This young guy is curious as to what the camera is!

You can see the wide buck in the background. Tine length is pretty short, but there is still time for growth.

Wide Buck Entering Food Plot

Wide buck entering the food plot

Here's a decent trail cam pic of the wide buck as he is entering the plot. This pic is 15 yards in front of my Millenium ladder stand!

Young Buck Eating Soybeans

Wide buck entering the food plot

Bucks like this one are the future trophies, but you have to commit to letting them get old enough to develop their potential.

With about a month of antler growth time left, I feel pretty good about having one or two shooters on this piece.

The food plot is looking good and hopefully will draw some more shooters as fall comes around.

I'd love to hear about your food plots! Both your successes and your failures, so that we can help others to grow the best food plot they can!

Leave your food plot comments and questions below.

Photo of author

John VanDerLaan

John VanDerLaan is the managing editor here at He oversees a team of editors, writers and pro staff that are subject matter experts in hunting and hunting gear. John's expertise includes thoroughly testing all types of hunting gear, as well as hunting all over the U.S. and Canada. While his hunting expertise includes game birds, small game and large game, his favorite game animal is the whitetail deer and he loves to share the knowledge that he has gained over 40 years of chasing the wily whitetail with both archery gear and firearms. John is an active member of the Outdoor Writers Association of America.

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