Written By John VanDerLaan
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This is the ultimate collection of hunting stories on the internet.
These are real stories, written by real hunters and submitted to DeerHuntingGuide.net.
This is where we can all share our hunting experiences. How about that giant buck you saw…But couldn’t get a shot…Or maybe you got your first deer this year! We want to hear your stories!
You can submit a blog post, give a review, tell us about your favorite venison recipes or just rant and rave!
It’s up to you, include it all, there is no limit to what you may add…Even pictures!
There is nothing better than sitting around a campfire listening to deer hunters share their experiences and embellishing their hunts at deer camp.
That is what we have attempted to re-create with this page.
Come on in to our virtual deer camp, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the tales of hunting shared by our readers.
Click here to submit your stories!
Best Deer Hunting Stories From Our Readers
Big South Carolina Buck And A Dog Named Spud
Submitted by Chris Blackwell I slowly raise my grandfather’s .270 and put it on the gun rest and the rest dropped down, luckily not spooking or alerting this monster! I reset and put the crosshairs dead on his shoulder, I knew I had to move quickly because he was on a mission! I took a breath, let half out, as my father had taught me since I started hunting years ago.
Pure Sportsmanship
Submitted by Paul Zelinsky It was the last day of rifle season 2:30 in the afternoon. I was going to give up and go home. I had a disappointing season from hot, cold, rain, snow, sleet to a truck driving down the gas line where I sat one day. I figured I’d stay and I heard a noise!
RELATED: Best Hunting Rainwear
Another Madison County Fencerow Buck
By Luke Kontras. Last year, I posted a story about a giant buck I shot on a fencerow in Madison County, OH on November 1st. This year was a little different, but the result was much the same on November 5th, on a fencerow about 2 miles from last year’s bow kill.
What I Live For
By Dalton Browning. It was Jan 5th, 1400hr as I grabbed my gear out of my truck with lots of excitement! It's the late season, fresh soft snow on the ground, crisp, cold 28 degree air being blown in my face from the North, “perfect” I said to myself.
Crawford scores
By George R Naugle I left for camp the morning of Sunday, November 10. Dave, Larry, and Crawford were also scheduled to be there. Since this week should be the peak of the rut, we wanted to hunt the entire week, or at least until we did some deer harvesting.
A Message Received…
By Kelly James In May of this year, I lost my dad after a four year long battle with cancer. I lost many things that day, one of them being my hunting buddy that I shared many hours with in the woods, waiting and watching in hopes of seeing deer in the area where we sat in the early morning or late afternoon.
The Forgotten Fence Row
By Luke Kontras. It was October 30th and I was frustrated. I had worked all summer hanging trail cameras and treestands in an effort to bag a trophy buck. Bowhunting whitetails runs in my family. My dad, William D. Kontras, killed the Ohio State Record Typical Buck
September 27 Urban Archery Hunt by Dan Beyer of WhiteTail Solutions
Well I wasn’t going to let our local forecasters spoil another hunt for me so I planned accordingly. I packed my truck with all of my archery gear, set the alarm clock for 4AM and sure enough…they were wrong again.
Buck of a Lifetime, Monster Mercer County PA Buck
By Alex Digregorio. On the morning of December 5, 2008, my dad took off work while I took off school. We went over to a family property of our uncles and cousins. It was known for some giant bucks. We arrived about 7:30 am.
The Backwards Buck
By Jesse Kontras. The day was November 13. I had hunted hard all season but to no avail. After classes in Findlay, Oh, I got in my truck and headed south to the central Ohio area. After arriving at home, I threw on my camo and headed to my stand.
My Fathers Rifle
By SSG Robert Soucy. I’ve been hunting deer since before I knew it. At 5 yrs old I remember waiting for word of my fathers return from his hunting trip to Vermont. When he finally pulled into the driveway with a buck on the roof of the station wagon I would leap with joy and run around the house yelling for everyone to come out and see.
One of My Favorite Stories. Even if you don’t care about hunting.
Ted Nugent, rock star and avid bow hunter from Michigan , was being interviewed by a liberal journalist, an animal rights activist. The discussion came around to hunting. The journalist asked...
Bitter Sweet Opening Day
This story isn’t about winning a writing contest. There will be no descriptive encounters with a grey muzzled buck stepping out of a foggy mist. Instead, I hope you take away a sense of deep reflection on your time in the woods and those you share it with.
Rex’s Roost – A Hunting Story From Long Ago
By Rex Holmes, Jr. It was 48°, pitch black and not a star in the sky, as the overnight shower finally slowed. Every raindrop dripping from the trees, sounded like a far off gunshot as it hit the wet leaf-covered forest floor. I shivered slightly because I was damp from walking in the light drizzle the mile and a quarter from camp, to this perch on the slope of a steep side hill.
Youth Weekend Hunting With Kids
It’s hard to believe a year has gone by since the last youth weekend in Tennessee and our participation in The Kids Hunting For A Cure event. This hunt was just as special as the first we participated in.
Why Men Kill Deer
By Larry Oakley. “We kill them because we love them.” At that early age I had not yet isolated the fact, although I had seen it’s signs, that hunting is a lonely sport, that a hunter is essentially a lonely man, more often than a “lone” man; and the bigger the game, the lonelier it gets.
Unexpected Result: Bear Responding To Rattling Antlers
Hunting Story with a twist By Brian Bontomase. One of the coolest hunting experiences that we have heard in a while. Brian tells the story of when he rattled in a black bear during archery season!
Whitetail Deer and Mule Deer Locked Antlers
By Mathew Oloughlin. I found two deer locked together by their antlers. One happens to be a whitetail & the other is a mule deer! I am trying to find out how rare of a find this truly is?
A Red-Neck Country Boy Bares His Red, White & Blue Soul
Part Ernest Hemingway, part Grizzly Adams, and part downhome philosopher, Mark Shepard is 100% American. His story of near-death experiences, hunting adventures, tournament fishing competitions, family bonds, and an
overarching love for the outdoors will entertain, inform, and inspire everyone.
2nd Chance Booner
By Denver R.Crouch. I’ve been a die hard compound bow hunter for 29 years but, due to shoulder replacement surgery on July 26, 2010 I thought my 2010 deer season would be lost. But after talking it over with my Surgeon he gave me the OK to use a crossbow, which I have never owned nor even fired.
This is Why You Kill Coyotes
By Larry Oakley. The photos attached to an email that I received on December 15, 2011 may look like a murder to some people. But to me the real crime was the subject line of the email. It read, “This is why you kill coyotes.”
Great Big Bucks on the Rosebud
By Scott Winston. Use caution if you decide to hunt the great big bucks on the Rosebud. Caution, not in the sense that you will find yourself in danger, but caution, in that the mystique of this country will take root in your soul and it will be very difficult to break away.
My First Mule Deer Hunt
It was 5:30am and my alarm jolted me out of a slumber. Today was the day!! A few days earlier my brother, dad and I had boarded a airplane in Boston and flew to Denver CO. We met up with my uncle the next day to hunt mule deer.
Winston County Deer
By Richard Burton. I have lived in Winston County 45 years. I spent 20 years hunting deer in Pickens on 500 acres that was a dear paradise! I sold my interest in that land and now hunt exclusively on 200 acres that I own in Winston County, between Haleyville and Double Springs.
Westchester NY Big Cats
I live in the suburbs of Northern Westchester, and my property adjoins Blue Mountain Reservation. I saw two big black cat sightings in the past few months, as well as a mountain lion or cougar on my driveway. The big black cats looked like black panthers.
The Cold, Gray November Woods
By LW Oakley. You are often alone, silent and still while hunting in the cold, grey November woods. Being alone with your thoughts in a dark secretive place gradually heightens your sense of awareness.
Perfect Elk Hunt at Banded Peak Ranch
I have been waiting for my elk hunt since last September when I had to leave Colorado earlier than expected to make it home for my anniversary. I obviously got married before I became addicted to elk hunting, since my anniversary is September 20.
Passing the Buck
By Dewaine Waak. I started chasing whitetails in 1972, I suffered from “buck fever” early on, my dad tried to work with me to calm down and concentrate on a target, instead of just seeing the rack.
Ohio Public Land Hunting Is Tough
Every year, it never fails, we follow, we watch we address all problems that we can control and think that might happen in the places we hunt, which is public land. In yes the hottest places in Ohio, Muskingum County, Coshocton and a few others, and it never ceases to amaze me the stupidity of some hunters.
Ohio Buck Down
By Patrick Marion. It was the afternoon of November 5 and I was hunting public land in Vintion Ohio. I was siting on the edge of a cutover and open woods with a hard funnel for deer. I had set this same spot the previous year and seen a real brute but never got a shot on him.
Illinois Deer Hunting Real Estate...Boone and Crocket Property
John was kind enough to let me share with you a parcel of property that I have owned for over 11 years. If you have access to loopnet you can visualize the property and some of the Deer taken from the property.
Honouring The Dead
By LW Oakley. When you pull the trigger you don’t hear the BANG either or feel the gun jolt against your shoulder. You only see the deer. Your lives collide in that moment but have been connected from the day you began your search to find him.
Deer Hunting Tip From Kentucky
Hunt the BIG rubs! Find a funnel that has BIG rubs and offers enough concealment to make the big guys feel comfortable passing through. This will increase your odd’s of bagging a bruiser tremendously in the pre-rut and rut.
Can Whitetail Deer Whistle?
While hunting in the Adirondacks this weekend I had a very strange thing happen. I tracked a large buck for over a mile when I came upon an area of thick cover. I did a few grunts and rattles but to my surprise I got not one but several whistle back.
Big Black Cat!!!
By B.R.Yanney. OK this is something most hunters don’t believe when I tell this story. I live here in northeast PA. I wasn’t going to share this story, but recently on the animal planet I saw a show about it, so here it goes.
A Chance Of A Life Long Memory Dedicated to my Dad with love
When I sat down to write this story, I never imagined how clear the memory would be until I began. My father and I have always been close through out my years of growing up, mainly on the ballfields. We ate, slept and lived softball. As I grew older into my late 20’s, I decided to experience a new sport.
My First Buck!!
By Trent Knutson. It was the day before the first shotgun weekend here in Illinois. My dad had to skin and cut up all the meat from his forkie he got a week ago, so I was on my own. I got to my favorite stand, known as the end stand, say around 3:30. For the longest time I sat there just waiting to see if anything would move by itself.
First Time
By Kelly James. I remember everyday I’ve spent in the woods as though it were yesterday. The memories are some of the best in my life, most likely because it was time dad and I got to be father and son.
The Old Smoke Pole
By Jacob. One cold afternoon my dad and I had just gotten to our hunting spot. We had never been to this farm before, so we didn't really know where to set up. So we just set up in the best spot we could find. As we sat in our hunting chairs for about 1hr 30min I spotted 3 big does coming from our right at about 80 yards.
Click here to submit your deer hunting stories!
Jefferson County, Ohio Deer Hunting
I have been invited to go hunting in Jefferson county, Ohio this season. Is this a good area for a chance at harvesting a trophy buck, and what is the best time to be there?
Deer Noise
Hunting Story by Kim Fontenot. I was recently hunting in Missouri when I had a 10 point chasing a doe. Every now and then he would make a deer noise that I had never heard a deer make in the wild or on video. I have heard this similar sound from a barnyard goat.. It is like a sneeze..
Theres Birds on Me! -“How I got my 9 Pointer”
Story by B.R.Yanney. One year I was hunting from this permanent wood stand. Two days in a row I saw this 9 pointer pass about 50 yards away. So I put a hanging stand where I thought I saw this buck traveling.
Trick or Treat – 2008 Halloween Buck
By B.R.Yanney. I had seen this giant buck I had dubbed El’Toro. I’ll tell you right know I never did get him. My uncle got him in rifle season. But he taunted me all archery season. I’d see him at night when I was walking out of the field. Or I’d see him spot-lighting the fields at night, but I never saw him in bow range.
Hunting in the Snow
By Johnny Blackmon. A look at the thermometer shows it to be 29 degrees out. A look out the window reveals a serene picture of a moon lit night illuminating the area around the camp and the pond causing a near daytime illusion as the moonlight is reflected on the snow covering the ground and surrounding forest.
Grampa is Fast!
This is my favorite hunting story my Dad used to tell us when we were out hunting in Eastern Washington, I was only able to hunt with my Grandfather a couple of times before he passed away. Back in the early seventies my Dad and his Father were hunting Mule Deer in our favorite spot in Eastern Washington
BIG Webster County Georgia Buck
By Kenneth Mott. It was November 28, 2010 and it was cold that morning. It was 20 out and I went and asked my dad if I could ride off to East Center Point, the other piece of land in our hunting club with my best friend Ronda and he said ya sure thats fine.
Second Season Buck
By Jeff. In Illinois, one of the few states to hold record whitetail bucks, there is the bow hunting season which runs October 1st and into the deep cold of late January and the gun season that is split into two separate seasons. Often, during bow season is when I see more B&C bucks either in pattern or in the pre-rut. Little did I know that the second firearms season would produce my biggest buck yet.
Tell me About Your Crazy Hunts, Here Are a Few Of Mine
By B.R Yanney. You're all probably tired of reading my hunting experiences and comments on this site. I am bored and temporarily unemployed. I just wanted to summarize some of the strange things that have happened to me while hunting.
My First Mule Deer Buck
By Michael Lockard. I was 20 yrs old when I killed my first Mule Deer Buck. I was born and raised in Lander, WY and hunted deer since I was 14. I hunted with my dad through the first 4 yrs of my hunting experience. I was working up in Yellowstone in 1996. I had just bought me a new Ruger M-77 MarkII 30-06.
My First Buck!!!
By Alex Tombaugh. On the first day of the Pennsylvania deer season, my dad would always hunt one specific draw. This draw epitomizes most of the Allegheny National Forest. When I was 12 years old my dad took me to this draw to hunt with him.
My Father the Hunter
By B. R. Yanney. My dad strapped me to his back when I was 6 months old and took me rabbit hunting. I don’t remember but my mother told me .That was 65′. We moved to Alaska in 69′. We hunted rabbits, grouse, ducks. moose, bear etc. He taught me to shoot and fish. He told me once when we were hunting that the forrest was his church, and if there was a god this is where he lived.
Another Girl’s First Buck…
By Olivia Atherton. It was my first year out. I hardly knew what to expect. Days passed. In the woods I heard the shots as my three brothers and Dad each got a deer but the deer seemed to be avoiding me. Maybe the idea of me hunting was a mistake, I thought.
The Good Old Days
By Marathon-man. My 1st deer season in which I could legally carry a gun was in November 1978. The whole week prior to opening day I was a day dreaming fool. I would often have visions of the monster 12 point creeping through the Balsam, while trying to digest some crazy geometric theory my teacher was trying to drill into my head
First Day of Archery Ditch Buck
by Bryan R. Yanney. I was glassing my uncle's farm, and about a half mile away I noticed a group of mid sized bucks. Every evening in September, they would come from various areas of the woods where the deer bedded and group up, before heading into the cornfield. They would walk single file through an open field, right along a drainage ditch.
Cover Scents
by Bryan. I spent years buying cover scents from Wal-Mart, BassPro, etc. and they always smell nothing like they are supposed to. Last year I made my own cedar and acorn cover scents and they worked like a charm. I made Acorn and Cedar cover scent. Has anyone else had any success doing this?
Compasses, GPS & other Electronics & Instruments
by Jeff McLain. A Compass or GPS is one of the most important survival tools for many outdoor enthusiasts. At Outdoor Sports Depot, you can buy a discount compass including a Brunton Compass, Silva Compass, or Sighting Compass for orienteering, hiking, and military uses.
Cheezy House Guest
One hot summer evening about five years ago, I was relaxing in my family room watching TV. Just a typical summer evening, doing the usual channel surfing and snacking. I had the main french doors open for an occasional breeze, but the screen wasn’t closed all the way.
Apple Bubble Gum
By Landon. It was the night before opening day of hunting season. I’m getting my gun polished and everything ready to go. My 22-year-old brother comes home for the opening day. I thought I was just about done packing my hunting stuff, but he told me I was forgetting something.
A Hunt To Remember
By Ed. First let me tell everyone that I have been a deer hunter for many years, ever since I was 16, I am 45 now. This story starts about six weeks ago when a real close friend and hunting partner for the past 12 years came to my house and told me that since I had gotten my disability pension that he had signed me up for my first disability hunt.
Nebraska, Tracking wounded deer at night
In Nebraska, you shoot a deer say, 15 minutes before sunset. The deer runs off into the trees. You go follow its blood trail, bringing along with you a flashlight, your knife, your weapon, and all the other essentials. You hear a pickup pull up next to your deer stand. It’s the game warden
My First Hunt Using a Video Camera and The Vapor Maker
by Rex Holmes, Jr. In 2009 a couple of hunting buddies, Joey and Ross and I decided we would go on a 10-day deer hunt to Wyoming. In addition to the experience of the hunt, our purpose for going was to get video footage using The Vapor Maker®, a scent dispersal product I had just debuted at the 2009 Buckmasters Expo.
14 Year Old's First Buck
by Jordan Cadwell. It had been a frustrating 2010 gun season in Wisconsin. I had been hoping to get a nice deer that year because the previous year I hadn’t even taken a shot at anything. After hunting for five days with my dad, (I’m 14 btw)and not seeing a single thing, I began thinking that this year might be the same as last year.
2010 10 Point Ohio Buck
by Jesse Kontros. My work for this buck started in May of 2010 after finding his sign during winter scouting. My brother Luke and I put in a great deal of work in the off season setting scouting cameras, putting down mineral licks, and tilling food plots. We had two pretty good bucks on camera all summer. I couldn't wait for bow hunting season to open.
My First 9 Pointer in Kentucky
by Terry Yonce. It was a cold morning in Bath county on the park where I was hunting with my step dad and his kin. We all got up and they were busy fixing breakfast and I had a long walk ahead of me to where I wanted to hunt.
A buck Of A Life Time
by Bill Diggs. How many hunters can say they got the Buck of a Life time? Well my story is a journey that spans a life time or seems like it anyway. Thirty years ago at the age of 34 I decided to hunt deer. But my story begins many years before as a small boy.
Small Town Tennessee Hunting
by Michael Ellis Potts. My Dad and I have hunted together for as long as I can remember and man the memories we have made and the laughs we have shared . It truly amazes me sometimes when I remember back on some of our hunts together.
The Half Rack Buck
By Trevor Caskey. It was early bow season and I’d been hunting bow season hard for about 3 years. At this point it was October 17th and I’m sitting in a stand we had put up in the summer, about 3 months before bow season. So here I am in my stand that night and I texted my cousin to tell him I was in my stand (like we always do).
The Answered Prayer Buck
By Chance. It was a cold Saturday evening of the year 2012. Me and my dad had been waiting for the first opportunity to get in the woods possible. It was the first day of youth season and dad took me out on an evening hunt. He said we were gonna hunt the a stand called ” The River Road Stand”
Virginia Hoss 6 Point Buck
By Kenny Cosby. This is a friend of mine, Donnie that I work with on the left and his brother. The 1st day of Virginia deer season came on Saturday. They got the surprise of their life when this big 6pt buck came running by.
We hope you have enjoyed our virtual deer camp where our readers have shared their experiences in the deer woods all over the United States.
Some of them shared the story of their first deer, others shared experiences with family and friends and some shared their biggest bucks with bow and gun.
We have created an awesome collection of hunting stories that will entertain deer hunters for years to come.
Click here to share your hunting experiences with our community!