Tell me About Your Crazy Deer Hunts: Here Are a Few Of Mine

by B.R.Yanney
(Athens PA)

Your all probably tired of reading my stories and comments on this site. I am bored and temporarily un-employed. I just wanted to summarize some of the strange things that have happened to me while deer hunting.

I hope you will leave a comment and tell me some of the strange things that happened to you!

Here are my crazy deer hunts.

1. I actually missed 6 bucks and 1 doe in archery in one day. The next year I switched from pins to a true glow and did much better after that.

2. Pulled in a black bear with vanilla and he sniffed the scented rag, and grunted at me.

3. Watched some crazy diving ducks while archery hunting between the river and a corn field, looked up from the ducks to see two does looking right at me, never did get a shot.

4. Shot a doe in archery season by a pond and she died in it and I had to fish her out.

5. Had chickadees land on me.

Chicadee in hand

6. Had a small doe and a small buck sniff the bottom of my stand in the same week.

7. Saw what I think may have been a panther!

8. Left a empty binocular case up in a tree-stand, the next day I opened it up in the tree and a crazy squirrel came leaping out at me, almost fell out of the tree

9. Shot at turkey with a 22 and missed and the crazy bird turned and ran right at me, finally hit him when he was about 5 ft from me.

10. Seen these 2 bucks together in pre-season. On a really hot day in archery, had on a t-shirt, camo jeans and sneakers. Was watching this fox squirrel, when I turned and those 2 bucks where 20 yards from me. I arrowed the smaller 8 as he gave me a better shot. The really weird part is no one got that big 9 all through rifle and archery. In January my uncle sees him spinning round and round out in the field and fall over!! He goes out there to see what the heck. Sure enough he was dead NO WOUNDS. He was never shot or anything. He was old and gray figure he died of old age or exhaustion. Didn’t keep the meat, but my uncle gave me the rack. So now the 2 bucks that ran together are side by side on my wall of doom !


Now tell me your crazy hunting stories !

Comments for Tell me About Your Crazy Deer Hunts, Here Are a Few Of Mine

May 28, 2015 A deer with a death wish
by: Anonymous I was hunting in MN in 2012 for the first firearms season in a ground blind overlooking a cut beanfield. Sat the whole morning and didn’t see a thing so I got out and started walking back along the open field when all of a suddenly a little doe ran out of the woods right next to my blind and started running right at me in the open! (I think she was trying to commit suicide) She was running low to the ground like a greyhound and I was so dumbfounded it took me a couple of seconds to react. I fumbled my gun off of my shoulder and held on her chest. Incredibly she ran by as close as five yards IN The MIDDLE of a FIELD! I shot the first time as she was closest, almost point blank, but somehow i missed! I must’ve lead her too much, so i reloaded and fired four more time, but I still missed, and she ran into the woods. Tracked her for a while, but found No Blood! (I later found out my 870 was off by a mile) That is the craziest thing that ever happened to me, I will probably never see deer behavior as strange as that again!

Mar 17, 2014 BRY
by: Ken BRY, Are you still on here? We talked about PA hunting a couple years ago. I was skunked for 2 years but got 2 doe and a 6 pt with a 17 inch outside spread this past year. Hope you are doing well and having good luck.

Nov 05, 2013 dang tree
by: Anonymous  It was youth season in missouri and I went out on nov 3 with a buddy and his dad. We had decided we would spit up as we always did and i went to a little deer trail that I had hunted before. It was a good spot except for one thing, there was a LOT of fallen trees and I had a crappy scope on the ol .06, and was sat right in front of a fallen hedge apple tree. I waited watching a little squirrel running around on the limbs above and I had been doing this for a while now and as I look down, I see the 5 point buck on the scent of a hot doe. So I let out a grunt in hopes he would come and see what was up. No effect, so I let out a bleat. Wow, hold the phone, he does a complete turn around and is coming straight at me, which happens to be in front of the tree I talked about. So he got within 30 yards of me and I waited a lil bit and had waited till I was sure he would bolt. So I did just the thing I had hoped I wouldn’t have to do. I shot through what I thought was a hole in the brush well that scope, plus my tunnel vision made me not see the branch right in front of the shot. So I shot and hit that damn tree.

Dec 14, 2011 Sad but True
by: B.R.Y. Sad but True, not just a Metallica song ! Yes I missed 6 bucks and one doe in archery. Right before I left to hunt, my wife at the time came running out on the poarch, as I was loading up the truck, holding a EPT test ! She said ” I’m pregnant”! Very unexpected! Ended up being son #2 “Waylan”. Anyway, like ya’ said went back to the range, after buying a new True Glow round sight, getting rid of peep sight, switching back to a glove. getting rid of the kisser and going back to a simple ol’ flipper rest. See I tried to do all the the things all the “modern” archery hunters did at the local range. That’s when I decided to go back to what I know best, and stop listening to what everybody was telling me I should do. Ended up getting a decent 8 pointer and doe that year. Lesson learned, don’t listen to other people when you know what’s good for you! If you a guitarist and you play Strats and Marshalls, don’t let people talk you into a Les Paul! Amen !

Dec 14, 2011 Missing the game
by: Anonymous Amazing story written about deer hunting, Wow. I hunt for deer. If I had tried to shoot 6 deer and missed, wow I do not know what I would have done. Go to the range and practice, I guess.

Dec 04, 2011 Some of my favorite stories on here are–
by: B.R.Yanney If you haven’t read a lot of the stories on here, here are some of my favorites, Besides my own – of course. -1- Cheezy House Guest. -2- Can Whitetail Deer Whistle? -3- Is That What I Think It Is? -4-Gramps is Fast! -5- The Lucky Deer That Used a Post for a Shield -6- Another girls first Buck -7- Chasing the Buck… There is a lot of other great stories on here too. Those are just some of my favorites of the top of my head.

Dec 04, 2011 WOW – !
by: B.R.Y. A Two-fer ! That’s so kool ! I’ve heard a few people say they have done that with a rifle on two does. Never with a bow on a buck and a doe. Thanks for your story !

Dec 03, 2011 2 DEER 1 ARROW
by: Anonymous 2 DEER 1 ARROW I got permission to hunt private property with my dad and brother and lent my brother my barnett quad 400 crossbow, with cabelas laser strike broadheads 125gr on victory arrows and truglo 4×32 crossbow under range finding almost like mildot reticle,and began to drive an area of the land while using my compound.
I drove the whole area and decided to do again but this time around I shot 3 rabbits and 2 squirrels and got scared at 3 grouse flying out of coverage 2feet in front of me.
When I got to my brother he said he shot a doe but a buck was behind it. My dad didn’t see anything.
We seen 2 blood trails about 30 yards from my bro tree stand tracked 1 blood to pond deer ran in pond,walked bank,refound blood followed it to a 70 score 6 point, went back followed other trail across road and found doe. My brother tagged doe and dad tagged buck.

Dec 02, 2011 O.K.
by: Brr Black I was hunting in archeryseason, up in the corner of a field. I could see my pick-up about 400 yards away. At about 6:00 I look towards my truck, and see movement. I pull up my binoculars and see these two nice bucks fighting each other not 20 yards from my truck!
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