by Bryan
I spent years buying cover scents from WalMart, Bass Pro, etc. and they always smell nothing like they are supposed to. Last year I made my own cedar and acorn cover scents and they worked like a charm.
I made Acorn and Cedar cover scent. Has anyone else had any success doing this?
Here’s How I Made Homemade Cover Scents For Deer Hunting
I made the DIY Cover scents two different ways and they both worked very well.
- I put white oak acorns in a blender with some water and blended them until it was all liquid. I then added the liquid to a spray bottle and use the spray as a cover scent.
- The second way that I made the DIY cover scents was to put cedar branches into a large pot with water and boil the mixture to extract the scent. I then cooled the mixture and strained it through a coffee filter. You could also strain it through cheesecloth or an old, clean tee shirt. Then add it to a spray bottle and spray as cover scent.
The second method worked better for me because the first method could clog the spray bottle if it was not blended well enough.
I was wanting to make some form of attractant this year, does vanilla actually work? I’m tired of paying big bucks for stuff that doesn’t work.
If you have any information feel free to email me at
Last year I was within 15 ft of both deer I killed with my scents.
It was the most pleasurable hunt I’ve had since childhood because of my creation worked.
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I remember reading how Native Americans would stand in the smoke from campfires before going on a hunt, because the smoke would cover their human scent.
I have no doubt that this works as well, maybe better than my homemade cover scents.
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