Small Town Tennessee Deer Hunting.

by Michael Ellis Potts
(Murfreesboro, TN USA)

My Tennessee Buck

My Tennessee Buck

My Dad and I have hunted together for as long as I can remember and man the memories we have made and the laughs we have shared .

It truly amazes me sometimes when I remember back on some of our hunts together.

Well this one is no different this was what I have been waiting on for quite some time “my buck”.

Story takes place in Wartrace Tennessee, it’s November 27th 2009 and if anyone remembers the weather that day last year it was pretty cold.

Well I had been hunting pretty hard all year. I took one larger doe on opening day and now with meat in the freezer I was ready and waiting on that nice buck to walk on by and on this morning he did.

My dad and me always meet at his house one hour before going out on his land to hunt to have the morning cup of coffee and figure out which stand we are going to set up in.

This morning I decided to take the stand in a hay field that backs up to a thicket and my dad chose to hunt out of one of our homemade shooting houses.

So with the stands chosen we headed off hoping for some of the larger bucks we had seen in bow season to be running a hot doe.

Settling in my hang on stand about 45 minutes before day light I get a TEXT.

It’s my dad, so I pull my phone out of my pocket and read my text it read ” BUCK COMING LOOK LOW ” I replied ” HOW BIG “, but got nothing back so I start looking in the low end of the field where it forms a bottle neck and couldn’t see a thing so I waited for a minute but couldn’t see anything so I waited.

About ten minutes pass when my phone goes off again an as I was about to grab it to see what my dad was saying I looked up and seen a deer walking quartering away from me at about 100 yards. So I raise my gun to get a better look at what size this deer was and as I looked through my scope it became clear really quick to me THIS IS THE DEER OF A LIFE TIME.

So I take my safety off my 7mm-08 Remington, take aim, whistled two quick times then the deer stopped and I squeezed the trigger.

I dropped my gun down from my eye and didn’t see anything but a small cloud of smoke.

I think to my self about the shot and wonder if I hit him.

The smoke cleared within seconds but felt like hours and there lay my deer right where I shot him. I waited twenty minutes or so making sure he wasn’t still moving but the deer had retired.

At that moment I got down out of my tree stand and walked over to my trophy and screamed!

My dad heard me and called.

I told him about what the deer looked like and he came right out of the shooting house over to me and then he screamed!

It was one of those memories that you will just never let go of.

The deer gross at 143 and net at 139 5/8.

By far my biggest buck yet but there is always room for more memories with my hunting partner in the future.

Comments for Small Town Tennessee Deer Hunting.

Nov 22, 2011 Stone cold !
by: Brr Black Nice buck, good story. But, I am with the other guy you got the face of a stone cold killa’ Smile man its not war its hunting.
Oct 24, 2011 wow-!
by: B.R.Y. Wow thats a nice buck! Great story, I wish I could still hunt with my dad. You look so serious in that picture! Smile man ! ha- ha !

Oct 30, 2010 Thank you:
by: Michael Thank you very much for those kind words best of luck to you as well .
Oct 30, 2010 Awesome story!
by: Anonymous Nice buck and great story about your relationship with your hunting partner… Your father! Good luck to ya’ll this hunting season.
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